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Expert Design Tips to Consider for Enhanced Cooling Tower Performance

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Cooling towers are suitable for use in many applications, particularly the industrial and manufacturing sector. Essentially, cooling towers serve to effectively eliminate and cast off heat from a building or an industrial and manufacturing process. This article will look at the role of cooling tower design in helping improve the evaporative cooling by the cooling equipment. The information will assist end users to keep up the effectiveness of their cooling towers.

Planned end use

Ideally, the cooling tower's design should match the tower's planned end use. Aspects of design work to consider in regards to end use include the following:

  • System's size
  • Construction materials
  • Redundancies

System's size

Cooling towers function on the principle of eliminating heat through evaporation by scattering water across a heat-exchange medium. As a result, the surface area across which the water-to-air contact occurs within the tower is the most important aspect in defining the tower's capacity. Typically, professionals often take into account the cooling needs of a given application, temperature, humidity, and other local weather information to work out the surface area of water and thus, size of cooling tower that's required. As an equipment buyer, you should pay for a tower system large enough to cater to your extreme cooling requirements.

Construction materials

The materials used in the construction of the cooling tower should be suitable for the setting in which the tower is meant to be installed. If you have plans to install the tower on the coast or adjacent to a chemical plant, it is likely to be exposed to the corrosive nature of the surrounding air which may cause damage to some of the tower components. Customers in these settings should go for stainless steel as opposed to galvanized steel as part of their tower construction. Although stainless steel is costly, it provides corrosion resistance and an extended lifespan.


The last important consideration in terms of an effective cooling tower design is the integration of redundancy in applications, for example in a power factory where it is important to prevent downtime. In these scenarios, the extra budget of redundancy in the cooling tower design far outweighs the expense of downtime from the breakdown of tower components due to extreme heat.

Cooling tower design affects the overall function of the tower equipment. If you have a query regarding a certain system or a particular need, talk with a cooling tower professional to make sure you choose a design that will make for the most effective system based on your cooling needs.
